What is this new transaction 'n' all about? It is actually a quickstart transaction for se16n. What does ABAP stand for?ABAP currently stands for Advanced Business Application Programming; however the original meaning was Allgemeiner Berichtsaufbereitungsprozessor, which is German for "generic report preparation processor" It is a structured language like C. How are RANGES different from SELECT-OPTIONS?They are the same, except SELECT-OPTIONS will provide an interface How to convert a date to internal or external format?Use the functions modules CONVERT_DATE_TO_EXTERNAL or CONVERT_DATE_TO_INTERNAL How do I download data in my internal table in a CSV file?Use the Function Module SAP_CONVERT_TO_CSV_FORMAT to convert the internal table into Comma seperated format then download this internal table using the Function Module GUI_DOWNLOAD. See a sample program below: TYPE-POOLS: truxs. How can I get the IP address of the system programmatically?You can use cl_gui_frontend_services to get the system IP address. DATA ip_addr TYPE c LENGTH 50. DATA terminal LIKE USR41-TERMINAL. How can I download my internal table into an Excel file?Use the function module SAP_CONVERT_TO_XLS_FORMAT to download the internal table to an excel file. PARAMETERS: p_file LIKE rlgrap-filename DEFAULT 'c:\tmp\test.xls'. Or get much more control by creating an XML file How can I read an Excel file from presentation server?You can use the Function module ALSM_EXCEL_TO_INTERNAL_TABLE to read the Excel file into the internal table of type alsmex_tabline. From this internal table you can fill the target internal table. TYPES: How can I convert numerals into the corresponding text?Use the Function Module SPELL_AMOUNT to convert the integer into text. DATA v_int TYPE i VALUE '1000'. I am using a SELECT query on a database table. Since the number of records in the table is very large, the program dumps due to insufficient memory. How can I solve this?In this case you could use the PACKAGE SIZE addition in the SELECT query to process in limited amount of data, thus avoiding the memory overloads. Eg: SELECT * How can I import and export my ABAP developments?SAPlink is an opensource community project that makes it easy to share ABAP developments between programmers. It provides the ability to easily distribute and package custom objects. Where are the long texts of a document stored and how to access the same?*The long texts of a document are stored in a encrypted format in the STXH and STXL tables, where STXH stores the header information of the long text like TDOBJECT, which indicates which text object the long text belongs to, TDID which indicates the Text ID and TDNAME which is the actual name of the long text. As these texts are stored in a encrypted format, the text cannot be read using a SELECT statement. You will have to use the function READ_TEXT. The easiest way of getting to know the parameter values is to go to a document, open the long text in a full screen mode. For example, when you wan to see the long text for a Purchase order, go to transaction ME23n. Assume, you want to see the parameters for the Header Text. In the first Tab Strip Control, click on the Texts tab and select the Header Text node on the left hand side, which will display the text on the right hand side. Now, double click on the text editor on the right hand side. This will open the text in the full screen mode. In the menu Go To --> Header, you should be able to see the values for all the three parameters we discussed above. We will have to do the same thing for whichever text parameters we want to see. CALL FUNCTION 'READ_TEXT' How do I create a long text for a document?*Please refer to the important parameters that are discussed in the previous question of reading texts. We will need the same parameters for saving the text as well. The function modules that you can use for this will be SAVE_TEXT followed by COMMIT_TEXT. The parameters play a very important roles as you might not see the saved text in the standard transaction if you give wrong parameter values. CALL FUNCTION 'SAVE_TEXT' How do I display / add the Terms and Conditions to the business document?I would suggest that you create separate SMART Form for the Terms and conditions and call that right after the PO main smart form. It gives the flexibility in calling the same smart form for other documents also, as generally these are the same Terms and Conditions for all the documents that a company uses. We can have the Terms and Conditions stored as long texts in SO10 (Standard Text, TDOBJECT - TEXT and TDID - ST and TEXTNAME - Whatever name you want to give). This way if you want to change the text, its easy to change and you can transport the changes using program RSTXTRAN. We have a text element in the smart form, and the general attributes of the text change the type to "Include Text". This will change the screen and you should be able enter the parameter values of Object, ID and name. This will automatically print the entire long text on the smart form, we just need to make sure that this is a part of the main window of the smart form as the text might run into multiple pages. How to convert from one currency value to other?We can Use the Following Function Module to convert from one Currency vale to other We Get Exchange rate for that day, foreign factor, Local factor. DATA: l_er TYPE tcurr-ukurs, " How do I send e-mail?There are several methods to accomplish this: Sending E-Mail from ABAP - Version 610 and Higher - BCS Interface How do I receive and process e-mail?Receiving E-Mail and processing it with ABAP - Version 610 and Higher How do I generate PDFs?BSP/HowTo: Generate PDF Output (from a BSP) How to change the deadline of the workitem programmatically in SAP? Following code is used to changes the deadline of any work item which is in WAITING state. The FMs needs the input like the object type for which the workflow has executed, the workflow ID to which the workitem belongs and the Task id of the standard task which is executed and in waiting state. DATA: lit_deadline TYPE TABLE OF swwdeadlin, When selection screen-screen output will use? Mostly selection screen will use for Repoting purpose.We can give range of inputs or particulat input or single input by selection screen. |